Monday, September 19, 2011


It was a marvelous Monday in Mrs. Harvath's class!

Today in our book clubs, we began reading the book Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume. We also began revising our writing pieces by adding important detail and description.
This afternoon we had our first class meeting. There were some great questions and issues that were discussed, and the 3rd and 4th graders gave each other some great advice. This afternoon, Mrs. Truesdell helped us create a digital picture of the water cycle by using the program Inspiration.
It was a great day!

-Please review the online student handbook with your child and sign the first page of your child’s planner

–Read at home. 20 minutes for 3rd graders, 30 minutes for 4th graders
–Please bring in a book for DEAR Time (independent silent reading).

-3rd grade: Home Link 1.8 and math journal page 14
-4th grade: Study Link 1.8 and math journal pages 25 and 26


Social Studies: