Tuesday, January 31, 2012


It was a terrific Tuesday in Mrs. Harvath's class!

***Pack your swim stuff for tomorrow

***Reading to the Superbowl party is Friday from 2:15-3:15 – please wear blue or a football jersey

***Late start Thursday 9:50 – please dress up for our trip to the DSO and pack a lunch

***I am looking for some great pictures to add to our classroom blog. Please email me you have any pictures from classroom parties or field trips. Thank you!!!!!

***Please email Mrs. Erb if you would like to volunteer to be a swim mom – your help would be greatly appreciated!

***Box Tops***
Clip Box Tops and earn cash for BCS!
Each Box Top coupon is worth 10 cents.
Just clip and turn in to the office. It's EASY!
Start clipping today!

-Please review the online student handbook with your child and sign the first page of your child’s planner

- Paragraph Practice –due Feb. 6 – remember to add it to your wiki page!
–Read at home. 20 minutes for 3rd graders, 30 minutes for 4th graders
–Please bring in a book for DEAR Time (independent silent reading).

-Spelling test - none
-Spelling city activities - none

MATH: Journal page 131 and HL 6.2
-4th grade: IXL, and get IXL report signed

