Tuesday, June 11, 2013


It was a terrific Tuesday in Mrs. Harvath’s class!

***Cans for Change is going on through June 12th… please bring in any empty cans/bottles to help with this event. The class that collects the most cans will receive and ice cream party!!!!

Important dates:

• Wednesday, June 12: 3/4 Party Day. Bring a decorated shoe box (wrapped with the lid separate so it can still open****see below), PE shoes, bathing suit, and towel.

• Thursday, June 13: Last Day. Half day, dismissal at 11:20.

****Shoe Boxes should be sent in wrapped in paper ready to decorate. Any type of paper can be used – white, brown, wrapping paper, etc. *Please wrap the lid separately from the box. * During our craft activity the students will make a book of their favorites to put inside the Time Capsule box. You may want to encourage your child to start thinking of their favorite things from this year (song, movie, book, TV show, school assignment, sports team, restaurant, etc.). Your child is welcome to bring things they would like to include. Some ideas may be a letter from you and/or grandparent (in a sealed envelope), a picture of them with a special relative, friend or pet, other special photos, a writing piece from this year, trading cards or other mementos At the end of the party the students will seal the box and bring home to be stored in a safe place until graduation from BCS!